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[EN]Welcome to free zoom where we explore about Magic of touch Expanse Therapy Federation of 5 continents Massage

I will share with you all beauty of this new massage technique which leads you into more of you and where release all traumas from you body :)

30th January at 8:00pm CET - 8:30 pm CET


Bine ați venit la zoom gratuit în cazul în care vom explora despre Magic of touch Expanse Therapy Federația de 5 continente Masaj

Voi împărtăși cu tine toată frumusețea acestei noi tehnici de masaj care te conduce în mai mult din tine și unde eliberează toate traumele din corpul tău :)

30 ianuarie la ora 20:00 CET - 20:30 CET


After a very nurturing weekend, where we nourished our bodies at the 2-day M5C Massage Federation of the 5 Continents Seminar, in March 2024 from 2nd - 3rd  we will be spoiling you with a new certified course in Romania Cuj Napoca EXPANSE THERAPY, which for the first time from Slovenia will be led by Maruša Potokar

And in this massage, among other things, we also focus on the vagus nerve.

Throughout the 2 days we will perform and learn several techniques and massages on the abdomen, heart, skull - head, which will bring relaxation and liberation throughout the whole body.

This is because touch induces nerve and hormonal signals that are transmitted through the skin to the cognitive and emotional processing centre in the brain.

As soon as we touch the head and neck, we access the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body's automatic functions. It consists of cranial nerves, the most important of which is the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve has fibres that innervate or revitalise virtually all our internal organs and connect the brain stem to the heart, lungs and intestines, our three pillars of EXPANSE THERAPY® massage!

This treatment allows emotional relaxation related to different organs. (characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine) for more relaxation and joy on all levels!

The treatment is carried out in three areas: - HEAD - HEART - BELLY

(3 symbols also SPIRIT - SOUL - BODY)

Why these three parts?

We know that most diseases are the result of stress, overload, our emotions, which are mainly stored in the head, heart and stomach.

By acting on these 3 areas, it acts on more than 240 million neurons and thus on the hormones that affect our well-being.

Through various processes, it activates happiness hormones, breaks down anchored traumas and emotions in our various organs, removes accumulated toxins and enables better functioning, enables better circulation of energy throughout the body.

This combination of treatment in three primary areas is a success of internal and external well-being, both psychologically and physically.

The Expanse Therapy is a one-hour global treatment that takes place in three directions, through the skull, heart and stomach, combined with two synergies of essential oils previously selected for their effects on various ailments and emotions.

Expanse therapy is a therapy with an initial history to determine your profile and 4 treatments with personalized follow-up of each session.

It is also a therapy that combines sound therapy with a specially developed and calibrated sound recording on radio frequencies that are specific to each treated area and act on these tensions, blockages and stored emotions.

It is a treatment to stimulate the five senses, it is a powerful sensory journey that allows for great relaxation and is like a real antidepressant, an injection of good humor, a concentrate of inner smile, a therapy of joy and liberation!

And all of you who would like to learn this massage or complement our services are welcome.

No prior knowledge is necessary, if you are in a dilemma, but anyone can learn. The answer is YES.

With practice, practice and above all desire.

And now it's time for applications and reserved your spot.

For all information you can contact my host

Andra Bianca Barbu


or you can also contact me on mail: :)

Short presentation of this beauty of masssage Expanse Therapy:

The Expasne Therapy Massage is refreshing and relaxing for both the masseur and the client. It is also a great business opportunity and an incredible boost for your body and your relationships.

The 2-days course makes you a practitioner of the Expanse Therapy.


540 eur for the class AND

100 eur for 2 oils and Lamp which is required for the tratments

What you get:

- a colour procedure manual

- access to the video

Course schedule:

2nd March 2024 start at 9:30 h - until 17:00 h (lunch break in between by arrangement)

3rd March start 9.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. ( in between breaks also by arrangement for lunch )

Location: Bucharest, Romania

As places on the course are limited, we will only consider your registration for the course once you have paid the course fee, or at least the registration fee. Upon registration, you pay the registration fee of 300 € to TRR:

Name: Be FREE, Maruša Potokar s.p.

Address: Pod gozdom c. VI/5,

Town: 1290 Grousuplje,

Country: Slovenia

IBAN: SI56610000023988447


Data of bank: Delavska hranilnica d.d. Ljubljana

Postal code: 1000 Ljubljana

and the balance (another 340 €) can be paid on the first day of the course.

The 2-days class Expanse Therapy will be led by Maruša Potokar Licensed teacher of the 5 Continents Massage Federation, Expanse Therapy, Vibecodes and Access Consciousness facilitator

Who am I? I am in my seventh year of my journey to becoming a life, business and personal coach, certified facilitator, delivering courses, workshops and therapies both in Slovenia and abroad. I am a creator of online and live events on the topics of: relationships, gratitude, abundance, increasing self-confidence and generally being well with yourself and your body.

I empower people with tools to choose lives with more joy and gratitude, which are the creative powers of our lives.

I am a licensed trainer of the Five Continents Massage, Access Bars, Vibecodes healing methods, Expanse Therapy where touch is combined with specific energetic methods to release blockages in order to activate infinite potential to become the leader of your personal and business life.

I strive to empower people to easily create and manifest the life they want to have.

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30. jan. 2024

Online: Free zoom Magic of touch Expanse Therapy with Marusa Potokar

Magic of touch - step into your potency

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30. januar 2024

30. januar 2024




Virtual event


Magic of touch - step into your potency



Mnenja udeležencev



average rating is 5 out of 5

Vpisano dne

2. januar 2021

Po delavnici

Online več-dnevni izziv

Draga Maruša,
Hvala za 21-dnevni izziv!! Tvoj vsakodnevni prispevek mi je bil v veselje, predvsem pa v veliko pomoč pri ohranjanju fokusa na 'pozitivnem in kako je lahko še boljše' razmišljanju in občutenju življenja! V prenatrpanem vsakdanjiku največkrat kar pozabim na pomislek 'je to res moje? ' in se nevede spustim v situacije, ki me posrkajo in mi jemljejo energijo, fokus in lahkotnost. Zato je bil takle kratki dnevni opomnik na orodja, ki jih lahko uporabim, zame pravi balzam! Hvala ti!

Vas zanima vseh




average rating is 5 out of 5

Vpisano dne

8. april 2021

Po delavnici

Access Bars

Pred delavnico sem hodila na terapije po metodi karmicne diagnostike in shiatsu masaze. Delavnica Acces barsov je bila se delcek, ki mi je manjkal, da imam vsa orodja, s katerimi si pomagam v tezkih trenutkih. Delavnica je potekala v sproscenem vzdusju, tako da je kar prehitro minila.

Vas zanima vseh




average rating is 5 out of 5

Vpisano dne

30. november 2020

Po delavnici

Access Bars

Moja izkušnja. To je tisto, ko te potegne, čeprav ne veš točno kaj, preprosto prijaviš se, ne poznaš nikogar in greš. Ugotoviš, da deluje. Takoj. Sem popolnoma navdušena. Iskala sem, ker sem vedela, da obstaja lahkoten način spreminjanja sebe in posledično vsega okrog sebe. Hvaležna sem, da se je na FB pripeljala mimo Marušina objava o certificirani delavnici, ki zagotovo ni bila naključje. Vem, da je to začetek nečesa drugačnega, lepšega, lahkotnejšega. Kaj je lahko še boljše, kot to?

Vas zanima vseh




Access Bars
Energetic Facelift



Letni programi



BeFree, Maruša Potokar s.p.

Adamičeva cesta 1B
1290 Grosuplje
Slovenija, Europe

Tel: +386 40 276 227




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Pravila zasebnosti    Piškotki na strani         © 2019-2020 by Be Free 

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